When a game’s store page simple reads “Bro woke up and chose violence” with no further elaboration nor context, you know that the game has got a real set of iron balls.
Many thanks to the publisher for the review code.
Larry is a happy blue-winged unicorn going about his life. Unfortunately for him, you’re here to ruin his day. Heavily armed with clubs, machetes, uzis, chainsaws, and even crayons, your goal is to kill both Larry the never ending herd of pink unicorns whilst painting your room red with their blood.
Really, there’s not a whole lot more to the game than that. By analysing your space so it knows where the walls and furniture are, BLUD tries to accurately portray blood splatter as you go about your murderous business. It works pretty well and a brief session will normally turn your living room into a slaughterhouse. It’s nice to slice up unicorns or knock them flying into a wall and seeing the leftover remains. It sounds horrific, but it’s so over the top and cartoonish that it ends up becoming quite amusing – especially once the relaxing unicorn music kicks in.
As for the game modes, most of them feel like variations of the same idea. You have a sandbox mode that allows you to do what you want, a timed mode where you try and reach the highest kill count in a set amount of time, but the highlight is probably Larry’s Famous Last Words – a trickshot mode that has you avoiding the pink unicorns as you aim to only kill Larry.
In this mode, you need to bounce your bullets off surfaces in order to rack up a high score. The more bounces before hitting the target, the more points you’ll score. It’s adds a little bit more challenge to proceedings and is when BLUD feels most like an actual game. It’s a shame that they didn’t go all out on it and add virtual obstacles and a restricted starting point to actually test your skill, but it’s still a neat mode regardless.
But gameplay isn’t why you’re getting this game. BLUD is quite proudly a time waster as you vent your frustrations on helpless unicorns. There’s not a whole lot of depth to it, aside from perhaps plucking the wings off them to see them fall down to the ground, but then the game doesn’t really need much more depth than that either.
BLUD is sick. It’s psychotic. But most of all, it’s actually quite a lot of fun. It’s not designed to be GOTY material, but as a cheap time-waster, it succeeds at its goal. Create endless carnage as you spray your walls with the blood of innocent unicorns, or just doodle on them with crayons. Either way, Larry is not going to have a good day.
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