Warhammer 40,000 has gained quite a following over the years. Its dystopian universe has grown a lot since its tabletop origins and has since spawned numerous video game adaptations of admittedly varying quality.

Warhammer 40,000 Battle Sister was released way back on the Meta Quest 2, and looked to be an interesting entry into the franchise; as such, I decided to jump in on a whim in order to see how the game fares.

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For those not in the know, the Sisters of Battle are an elite unit of female warriors that have been trained since birth to become enforcers for The Emperor. Their unwavering devotion is so strong that even their headquarters is essentially a church. You play as one of these warriors, known as Sister Ophelia, who has her own personal reasons for fighting on the frontlines of this holy war.

Whilst my knowledge of Warhammer 40,000 only really covers the basics, the game ensures that it never really matters. Cutscenes fill you in with any necessary details, and anything else is either apparent enough to pick up or not important at all.


Battle Sister does a great job at embodying the oppressive setting of the Warhammer universe, as you wander through gothic architecture, industrial complexes, ruined cities, and chaotic battlefields filled with religious iconography that hints at the extent of this Holy War. The character models and weapons are also particularly faithful to the world, even if the overall graphical fidelity and pop- in make it feel quite dated.

Still, the visual aesthetic is strong enough for it to never become a concern, especially as you are mowing down foes with some wonderous weaponry. Even your starting weapon, a Bolter, feels really meaty with its satisfying sound and ability to rip an enemy’s head clean off should you get an accurate shot off. This game is gory, and really highlights how brutal the universe can be.

You’re not just limited to standard weaponry either, as the Battle Sisters also utilise Power Swords that can block enemy gunfire and slice through heretics at close range. Also available are additional abilities that are activated through her rosary, which will allow her to activate a force push, a shield, and even be able to slow down time. I found that the shield was very useful when dealing with stronger opponents or large groups, but the other two seemed to be far more situational and only really useful for progression.


It’s a shame that these abilities don’t add all that much depth to the combat, but it’s hardly that much of an issue when the game is such a clear love letter to the franchise and feels so damn satisfying to play. I wasn’t expecting much from what is now a fairly old VR shooter, but that sense of cathartic fun is something that brought back feelings of classic FPS titles – and I am absolutely all for that!

Warhammer 40,000 Battle Sister is a great VR shooter that successfully captures the brutal, gothic essence of the Warhammer universe. Whilst its visuals feel somewhat dated, the sheer satisfaction of wielding iconic weaponry and mowing down heretics makes for an unmissable experience!